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Video Library

I’ve got videos on superfoods to boost your health, nutrition guidelines, effective use of supplements, home workouts, and personal adventures with my husband William and our adorable dog, Koda.  Every single video on the latest scientific research and link all of the research studies I reference in my videos.


I’m cutting through the BS of the health and fitness industry so you don’t have to. No more spending money on expensive, but useless supplements. No more ineffective workouts from so called “influencers”. And no more lies from health companies who only care about profit. This is your wellness awakening. 


If you want to join the super-human fam, hit the subscribe button and bell notification so you don’t miss a single video from me. If you want more day-to-day updates on health, fitness and overall wellness follow me on instagram @thesuperfoodpharmacist and on tiktok @the.superfood.pharmacist.

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